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Using the natural gas composition, PRDewPointCurveXL2017 calculates the natural gas hydrocarbon dew point (HCDP) curve in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.  Either English units or metric units (referred to herein as SI units) can be used.  PRDewPointCurveXL2017 outputs a table of the HCDP Tupper versus Pressure.  Tupper is the highest temperature at a given pressure at which liquid starts to condense from the natural gas which has the input composition.
PRDewPointCurveXL2017 also calculates the upper dew point temperature, Tupper, at a user specified input pressure, Pspec.  Pspec could be an expected operating condition, such as a natural gas pipeline operating pressure, the inlet pressure to a natural gas compressor or a gas turbine or any other point of operations where the hydrocarbon dew point is of interest.
Additional outputs are the cricondentherm and cricondenbar temperature-pressure conditions.  The cricondentherm temperature is the maximum temperature of the two-phase vapor plus liquid region and therefore the input natural gas composition is single phase gas at all pressures for temperatures above the cricondentherm temperature.  The cricondenbar pressure is the maximum pressure of the two-phase vapor plus liquid region and therefore the input natural gas composition is single phase at all temperatures for pressures above the cricondenbar pressure.

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